Researcher (PhD candidate)
Center for Bioinformatics, Saarland University

Email: TBD
Personal Contact: lam.dv@live.com
Phone number: (+33) 6 68 36 02 29

Github | Linkedin | Webpage



My current research interest including, but not limited to:

  1. Bioinformatics: Genomics, Proteomics. Meta-omics are currently in reading list
  2. Neural Network: Deep Learning and Deep Neural Net, Extreme Learning Machine.
  3. Optimization algorithms: Swarm Intelligent, Swarm Optimization and Metaheuristic.
  4. Data Science: Advance Data Structure, Indexing, Knowledge Representation.
  5. Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Algorithm and Complexity, Graph Theory.



Universtiy Grenoble Alpes

2018 - 2021
Master of Science in Informatics

Universtiy of Science and Technology of Hanoi

Oct. 2013 - Oct 2017
Bachelor of Science and Technology
Falcuty of Information and Communication Technology
Thesis topic: Extreme Learning Machine



Center for Bioinformatics, Saarland University

Dec 2021 - Current

Position Researcher, PhD Candidate

Master Research Project, TIMC Laboratory

Mar 2021 - Sep 2021

Master Research Project, TIMC Laboratory

Mar 2019 – Sep 2019

Position: Programmer, Researcher.

rRice project, IRD

Oct 2017 – Aug 2018

Under the supervision of Dr. Pierre Larmande and Dr. Ho Bich Hai, I helped develop an R package and accompanying Python library to mine genomics data across multiple databases.

Position: Programmer, Researcher.


ICTLab, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi

Apr 2017 – Oct 2017

As part of the collaboration between CVUT (Prague, Czech Republic) and USTH (Hanoi, Vietnam), I have done an internship under the supervision of Professor Basterrech (CVUT) that resulted in my bachelor thesis. We developed metaheuristic and swarm optimization algorithms for improving Extreme Learning Neural Networks.

Position: Intern Researcher.



May 2015 – Aug 2018

FabLab are global network of Digital Fabrication Laboratory and workshops with the purpose of enabling invention, innovation and hacking of physical world by providing access to digital fabrication tools. In 2015, I organized the FabLab at USTH as a student club with the aim to advocate and support said goals and inciting hacking mentality for students at USTH

Position: Founding Member, Mentor.


FabLab Vietnam Foundation

May 2015 – 2016

FabLab Vietnam Foundation is a consortium of all FabLabs operates in Vietnam. At the time consists of 5 Labs, our purpose is to promote the development of FabLabs style facilities and Maker Movement in Vietnam. In 2015, the Foundation received a grant of $100,000 from IPP to further expand the movement.

Position: Member, Representation of FabLab USTH.


Dream Project Incubator

September 2015 – 2016

Dream Project Incubator aims to transform ambitious, self-driven young Vietnamese into better thinkers and doers via intellectual engagement and mentorship. Every year the project award 4 scholarship for ambitious Vietnamese whose age are between 19 and 25 for a 3 months summer trip to MIT, USA. After the conclusion of my USA trip, I served in the board of alumini, and as jury member and organizer for 2016 program

Position: Alumni, Organizer, Jury.



Dream Project Incubator

Jun 2015

Dream Project Incubator is a program setup by MIT PhDs and PhD candidates in collaboration with Boston Global Forum. I was awarded a 3 months stay in Boston for my work with FabLab USTH and FabLab Vietnam Foundation, and the chances to meet and confer with top minds from MIT and Harvard University.


3rd prize National gifted students’ competition in Informatics

2007, 2008 and 2009

Held by Vietnam Ministry of Information Technology (now Ministry of Information and Communication)




^In Vietnamese, the last name is DANG